Biohacking for athletes
Are you interested in exploring new performance possibilities, hastening your recovery time and pushing beyond your current boundaries… Continue reading
Are you interested in exploring new performance possibilities, hastening your recovery time and pushing beyond your current boundaries… Continue reading
The key to effectively bringing the body back into balance from states of anxiety and overwhelm is active recovery… Continue reading
Health coaching is the use of evidence-based skillful conversation, clinical interventions and strategies to engage clients in health behavior change… Continue reading
There is no doubt that moving and doing some form of exercise, everyday is vital for health and longevity. However, too much of anything, is never good. Over-exercising without proper rest and recovery can lead to a variety of unwanted outcomes. Taking a proactive approach to self-care through individualised lifestyle changes can help to improve … Continue reading
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky, conscious breathing is my anchor” Thich Nhat Hanh Breathing exercises are one of the simplest and most effective ways to affect psychological and physiological health. At Core Naturopathics we recognise the importance of breath control in your overall treatment plan, as a tool you can … Continue reading
Disease Prevention: The World Health Organization defines prevention as ‘approaches and activities aimed at reducing the likelihood that a disease or disorder will affect an individual, interrupting or slowing the progress of the disorder or reducing disability’ (WHO 2004). An important part of disease prevention is health promotion. This describes activities which help individuals and … Continue reading
Move and enjoy: Just be active! It doesn’t always have to be planned or gym workouts. Simply sitting less, and getting more physically active throughout the day wherever possible is also essential to reducing one of the major risk factors for metabolic syndrome, obesity. One strategy for sticking with exercise is to make it enjoyable … Continue reading
Sports or any physical activity for that matter is crucial for your mental and physical wellbeing. This is due to the combination of effects sports can produce. Those being, immune enhancing, mood regulating, cell nourishing, blood & lymph circulation boosting and toxin eliminating. As sports and activity burn off stress hormones (when done 60min or … Continue reading
When recovering from anything, be it the common cold to a more serious infection, sports injury, or night out consisting of heavy drinking, there is a period of time that allows for recovery. However, depending on your nutritional reserves and environmental stressors, this “recovery” period can be drastically shortened. Basically, the body utilities nutrition in … Continue reading
As Naturopath’s who have been working in a clinical environment for over fifteen years, you start to see social trends in relation to health. Currently, the “big one” is stress & adrenal fatigue. Actually, it’s massive! Less and less time is spent relaxing and recovering from the daily grind. More and more social pressures are … Continue reading