Health is about homeostasis or how well the body is able to self regulate (or not) critical biochemistry. Restoring lost health comes down to the body’s ability to rebalance this chemistry and restore health. The key here is oxygen!
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy increases the level of oxygen (O2) in the cells and has been proven to regenerate and restore healthy tissue. The fundamental cause of tissue degeneration is lack of oxygen caused by stress, illness, disease or injury. Every cell in the body needs oxygen to complete the metabolic processes that give us life energy. Oxygen gives the athlete stamina, helps the injured heal, and protects us from environmental toxins.
If you are looking to impact and support your body’s healing and recovery potential right at the top of the ‘biochemical cascade’, then mild hyperbaric oxgen therapy may be what you have been looking for!
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not only for the sick. There is no other anti-aging therapy that is so effortless and yet so effective. Mild Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is an outstanding all natural therapy with no side effects that will help you to look and feel your best!
Start to breathe in the benefits by booking a session in our chamber today!