Holistic Health
The concept of holism recognises that you are not divided into separate parts that operate independently of one another. Basically, no one part of your body sustains life independently, but is part of an interconnected network that creates homeostasis (internal stability & consistency) through internal communication.
When you are able to identify this interconnectedness, you are better able to understand that it is not just one part of you that may be out of balance. There are influences on the body, the mind & the spiritual aspect of who you are, that continue to influence your health over a lifetime. These influences are attributed to your experiences & exposures & you express these as symptoms.
As humans we have traditionally always tried to mediate our health through the way we live our lives. In today’s world we have lost most of our knowledge around living a holistic lifestyle because we have changed our priorities as well as our cultural heritage. We see that diet, lifestyle & the environment in which we live as having less significance on our lives & therefore our health.
Those communities that have maintained a holistic lifestyle are now recognised as having the healthiest & the happiest inhabitants. And they are doing a few things (holistically) that are having a huge impact on their overall health. The people living the longest & healthiest share some specific traits with each other & they specifically address these from a holistic perspective. In other words they are addressing their whole selves in effective ways that have been learnt over generations to work. The National Geographic Society have studied & correlated nine essential habits to health & happiness:
- Move naturally.
- Have a purpose to your life.
- Down shift your stress.
- Eat to 80% full – “Hara hachi bu”.
- The cornerstone of your diet should be plant based.
- Drink moderate amounts of alcohol.
- Belong to a faith.
- Keep your loved ones close.
- Cultivate social circles that promote healthy living.
These nine simple factors address living from a holistic perspective of mind, body & spirit & by addressing their health naturally & holistically the outcomes are far greater & sustainable for a lifetime.
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