Search Results for: Genetic

Eating well on a budget
The lower your income is, the more difficult it seems to be particular about what you feed your family. This probably isn’t an earth-shattering revelation to anyone, but if you feel like experimenting, try to buy a week’s worth of healthy food for a family on a budget of, say, $100.  Food manufacturers that target […]
Heart Care Programme
Most of the diseases we are currently suffering from are preventable (chronic) diseases and the common factor with these complaints is inflammation. Over 70 different diseases are directly connected to inflammation. So, better managed inflammation will reduce your overall risk factors. It’s really important to remember that genetics is 40% and diet, lifestyle and environment […]
Autism Where to Start
Step one is to take charge of your child’s diet as food can be helpful or harmful, nourishing or inflammatory depending on the ‘state’ of the gut. A damaged gut allows for altered digestive and immune function which expresses as some of the symptoms of autism. There are lots of different diets out there and […]
New Perspective on Autism
The traditional view of autism is that it’s a “mysterious” genetic or psychiatric disorder that results in certain observed behaviours, and little can be done in the way of treatment. Through the breakthrough work of the Autism Research Institute (founded in 1967), a more appropriate “whole body disorder” perspective of autism has emerged. It is […]
The smaller choices we make have the greatest impact on our health long before any treatment becomes necessary for disease. Our genetic constitution has remained relatively unchanged over the last 40,000 years. However the way we eat, the amount we eat, the nutritional content of the foods we choose and the increasingly high levels of […]
You are not broken and do not require fixing!
An outrageous statement you say? Hardly, if you were broken you would not be with us!The human body is more than just a degenerating entity at the mercy of time, in fact it is an amazingly dynamic, highly attuned and self-­healing network given the correct care and support. And to this day many of its […]
Trust your body
Just as the body is a finely tuned, marvellous organism that is able to adjust to the most subtle changes, illness is always a biologically meaningful process, the purpose of which is to eliminate toxins and to repair, reduce, or contain the damage they cause. Symptoms are your bodies’ way of telling you that all […]
Viral Attack!
With winter just around the corner, we can expect to see an increase in patients presenting with seasonal colds and ‘flu. Fortunately for our patients, there are many effective natural remedies we can offer to help them get through this cold and ‘flu season in good health! Most adults will get at least two colds […]
Why Do We Get Sick?
We are rarely aware of how we are making ourselves sick, so when we do ‘catch’ something it feels like something happening to us from the outside ourselves rather than from within. Our physical being for whatever reason seems to have moved away from that which it innately strives to move towards – harmony. We […]
Diet Recommendations for Menopause
By Rebecca Anderson Menopause is a natural progression in the life span of every woman. While some women appear to breeze through the menopause years others are left feeling run down, tired, and irritable. Some experience symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, headaches, aches and pains, and weight gain. These symptoms are common and a […]